Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Yak Peak, Yak Chek 5.10a (13 pitches)

Yak Peak

Approach: 45min asc 280m
Climb: 5hrs asc 490m
Descent: 1hr 35min
Total time: 7hrs20min

We arrived at the suggested departure for Yak Chek around 2200h last night. Our sleeping spot was at a truck stop along highway #5 last night. Not the typical side road which we had been using. We left the van at 0800h this morning. We felt some pressure to hurry since another group arrived and also prepared to leave from the parking. We wanted to avoid climbing behind another party due to the rock fall hazard they could create. The climbing was mostly lower angle slab. A great climb offering an interesting mix of friction climbing on the lower angled rock, crack climbing and some short steep steps to pull over. We did encounter some small pebbles coming down on pitch 9. It wasn’t a big concern since it was small. Like “kitty litter” as one of the guys we met along the way put it. On the drive out we stopped along a small river and went for a dip to wash and refresh. Can’t wait for the warmer rivers and creeks down south!

The 2nd pitch.

A view from on top of Yak Peak.

An updated picture for Erin. Nope, I haven't shaved yet.

1 comment:

  1. When you get to Florida, I promise you warmer water!
