Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sport and Trad Climbing in Skaha, Penticton (BC)

It was a nice change to arrive in Skaha and climb in warmer weather. A bit of a contrast compared to our last days in Lake Louise and Mt. Gimli. Our last day in Skaha was so warm. We needed to plan our climbs according to the sun and try to time it so that we would be in the shade. We were surprised to see a fair bit of wildlife in this dry desert-like environment. We walked back to the van in the dusk on our first day in Skaha. Along the way we were startled by a rattlesnake on the trail. It was sitting still until we unexpectedly got close to it and then rattled away into the tall grass. We also saw a praying mantis eat a wasp while climbing on the Diamond Back Wall. We really enjoyed all the climbs we did and stuck to climbing all the classic ones according to the guidebook. There was a climb I needed to settle called “Plum Line” that I had unsuccessfully attempted two years ago while stopping by on a non-climbing trip to Penticton with my Mother. I had only been climbing for about a year at the time. It was the first climb I went on when we arrived in Skaha. We had originally planned to stop here for a day as we moved on to the climbing Mecca of Squamish, BC. But the forecast for Squamish wasn’t inviting with lots of rain. So we stayed a few more days in sunny Skaha before heading off to Yak Peak (about 2hrs south of Kamloops).

Sept. 21st
The Fortress East Face Wall; Plum Line         (5.9 sport)
The Fortress East Face Wall; Saging Bum Line (5.9 sport)
The Fortress East Face Wall; Stoutearted       (5.10a sport)
The Corridor Wall; Fortuitous                        (5.10d sport)
The Turret Wall; Glorious Land                      (5.10a sport)
Nacho Wall; Cheese Nacho                            (5.10d sport)

Sept. 22nd
Great White Wall;
Mrs Palmer, 2 pitches                                      (5.9, 5.8 gear)
Gang Bang                                                      (5.10c gear)
Fun Run                                                          (5.10a gear)
Chalk Addiction                                             (5.10a sport)
Wings of Desire (attempted)                          (5.11b sport)

Sept. 23rd
Great White Wall: Wings of Desire                (5.11b sport)
East Portal Wall; Double Exposure                (5.9 gear)
Grassy Glades Wall; Grassy Glades               (5.10a gear)
Raven’s Castle Wall: Raven and the Bear      (5.9 sport)
Diamond Back Wall; Ready to Strike            (5.10a gear)

Pat on the "Plum Line"

Pat on "Fun Run"

Skaha landscape

Praying Mantis with it's dinner.

Pat on "Ready to Strike"

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