Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sport and trad climbing at the back of Lake Louise

We intended to go up the East Ridge of Mt. Temple on Sept. 18tt and spent the 17th climbing at the back of the lake. The weather was quite grey with some light snow coming down as we climbed which made for a different cragging atmosphere. We managed to stay warm enough climbing on a 5.10b gear route (named Another Trailside Attraction) and a 5.10a and 5.11a sport routes (named Traffic and Howard the Duck). During the day we could see that the alpine surroundings higher up were holding on to the snow and it kept accumulating throughout the day. The weather didn’t seem to cooperate with us for tomorrow’s objective. The amount of snow seemed too much on Mt. Temple and this would have made the climbing conditions harder if not impossible for us. We decided to stay in Lake Louise on Sept. 18th to have another day of cragging behind the lake. This time we projected a route named Mr. Rogers (5.11b). I don’t spend the day projecting and working on a single route very often. It was fun though to work on a harder sport climb that was close to my maximum ability. I was able to finish it off on top rope the second try and led it clean on my third.
We drove the van Westbound around 1700h and drove through a storm on our way to Slocan, BC. Our plan is to climb Mt. Gimli’s South Ridge which is about 25km up logging roads outside of Slocan.

Here are a few photo's I took before and during the sunrise along Lake Louise (click on any photo to enlarge).

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