Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Snowpatch Spire, Surfs Up (5.9, 9 pitches)

Approach to climb: 2hrs (ascended 435m)
Climb: 5hrs (asc 290m)
Rappels: 1hr20min
Return: 1hr10min
Total time: 9hrs30min

We left camp at 0840h with another beautiful day. We arrived to the climb before any sun was hitting it. This and the wind made for a cold start. The highlight of the climb were the two pitches above Surfs Up ledge. Fortunately Pat and I are slowly getting used to climbing granite and cracks by now. Since these two pitches had a great hand and fist crack running all the way up with no features on the wall to grab onto. A nice pure crack line!

Pat climbing up the second last pitch.
Pigeon spire is on the left with the Howser Towers in the back.

Pat showing off good crack climbing technique.

The last technical pitch.

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