Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Whiteman Falls 95m IV, WI6 & Red Man Soars 55m III, 5.10- WI4+

Whiteman Falls
  Drove up to the closure of Hwy 40 (Kananaskis) and skied out to Whiteman Falls around 0930h. Last time on March 1st Cian and I decided not to bring the skins because we were breaking trail. This time, Pat and I found the going less efficient because our skis kept sliding a little backwards on us with the track already set. Although each time we came across a slight downhill we were cruising down nicely. We were still 5 min faster to reach the walking trail this time with a total of 1h15min. But I still would have rather had the skins on. Another 30min brought us to the base of Whiteman Falls. Pat did a great job of leading the falls in one long pitch. The ice conditions were similar to March 1st, but this time Pat led up a little more center of the ice where it was more sustained for the first half. The second half was hooked out. One rappel from the bolted station above brought us all the way down.

Red Man Soars mixed climb.

I then geared up to climb the mixed route to the right of the falls called Red Man Soars. I had wanted to lead it since the last time. The climbing was exciting. The rock section bellow didn’t change but the ice had diminished. It had been a fun lead with a bit of head games since there was little protection once passed the first belay station. I led the 55m climb in one pitch.

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