Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Joshua Tree, CA

Dec. 6th: Climbing at Joshua Tree
Pat and I climbed around the parking lot. The climbs in Joshua Tree seem to be mostly single pitch gear routes. The rock is amazing! After climbing we looked around for a campsite and crossed our friend Reese which we had met in Indian Creek. We spent the night at his campsite with a fire to keep us warm.

Dec. 7th: Climbing at Joshua Tree / Start of the long drive back
It was a cold night! Our water reserve had frozen and the windows in the van were frosty. We climbed with Reese and Kiera at an area named Lost Horse which had short multi-pitch climbs.
We said our goodbyes, stopped for a shower in town and drove northbound. We plan to reach Bozeman, Montana sometime tomorrow to catch the Bozeman Ice Climbing Festival. I covered some good ground and drove until 4:00am with the caffeinated help of a Starbucks cappuccino. It was a splurge compared to the climbing bum lifestyle we’ve been living.

A short, steep and overhanging 5.11b hand crack.

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