Photo of the moment

Photo of the moment

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Castle Mtn; Super Brewers = Link up of Ultra-Brewers III 5.9 + Brewers Buttress II 5.6

Left Castle Lookout parking at 0500h
Started climbing at 0730h
Finished the climb at 1630h
Back at the parking at 1900h

Teamed up with my usual partner in crime (Pat) to climb a combination of two routes on Castle Mountain called Super Brewers (21 pitches). The first climb is on the lower half of the mountain and is named Ultra Brewers (9 pitches, 5.9). It was fun climbing on mostly solid rock with a few bolts to protect the crux pitch. We topped off on the big half-way ledge that breaks up Castle Mountain and walked up to do our next climb called Brewers Buttress (12 pitches, 5.6). Pat and I simul-climbed most of it and broke it down into 5 pitches. Instead of rappelling the route we opted to descend the gully. Half a dozen rappels with some down climbing brought us back onto the half-way ledge. From there we down climbed the rest of the gully back down to the trail.

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